Alan Horwitz P.C. ; State of Nevada Business Brokerage License# BUSB013 State of Nevada Real Estate License# BS54316.PC

Alan Horwitz PCNV Business Broker BUSB.013NV License BS.0054 316.PC

Buyer Representation Services

To significantly reduce the risk when looking to go into business, it has been proven time and again that it is a prudent decision to purchase a quality ongoing business rather than take the risks associated with starting up a new business. More than 50% of all start-ups have been shown to fail, while over 90% of business purchases are successful if purchased and operated properly.
At SUNBELT – Vegas Business Brokers, we typically only represent Sellers that are looking to sell the business, however, in certain circumstances, we can provide Buyer services for individuals, corporations, private equity groups, and other investors seeking acquisition opportunities. While we can tailor our services to your specific needs, the typical “buy-side” engagement proceeds in the following manner:

Development of an Acquisition Strategy

We assist our clients with the development of their acquisition plans and strategies. Specific examples may include the development of a “roll-up” or “consolidation” strategy, a diversification strategy, etc.


We assist our clients in developing valuation models and setting expectations in terms of earnings multiples that will likely be paid for acquisition candidates.

Acquisition Search

We will coordinate the process of targeting possible acquisition candidates, including contacting and screening opportunities. This process may be coordinated with SUNBELT’s offices throughout the world to provide our clients with a comprehensive, international search process.

Acquisition, Negotiation, and Execution

Once we have identified an attractive and viable acquisition opportunity, we assist our clients in negotiating and structuring the acquisition and coordinating the activities of our client’s legal, accounting, and tax advisors.


When required, we can assist clients with identifying financing sources for their acquisitions.
Buying a business can be a time-consuming and learning experience. The following would be some guidelines for your journey:

  1. Be sure that the business you are looking for matches your skill set.
  2. Be sure you understand how businesses in various industries are valued.
  3. Be realistic about how much capital you have to invest in a business, and remember to keep funds aside for operating capital.

For More Information on Buyer Services, Feel Free to Schedule a Confidential Consultation.